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If you appreciate what the Enneagram can do to deepen understanding and relationships, you will love being with everyone at our retreats.
Counseling and Psychotherapy for Individuals and Couples
Our relationships — to ourselves, others, and the world — are all intimately connected. Few of us walk through life without significant challenges that require us to grow, heal, and change.
As a therapist my purpose is to create a trusting, respectful, collaborative relationship with clients.
My approach is interactive, holistic and integrative. I focus on meeting the needs of each client’s unique situation and work with them to find their own strengths and wellbeing.
I have considerable training and experience working with couples, individually and in workshops. My 25-year career as a physical therapist and study of body-based therapies inform my therapy practice. I am a trained Enneagram teacher and presenter and use the excellent map of the Enneagram when appropriate.
I believe we all have the courage to heal, grow, and live the best life we can.
Please Note
I am continuing to provide phone and Telehealth sessions as options for my clients.
I strongly encourage you to confirm that your insurance covers these services. Contact me HERE for more information.
Please take care and be well. ⏤ Deb Lyman
A Note on Telehealth
My experience over the last two years of using phone and Telehealth has reassured me that these options are not limiting, and can enhance a sense of safety and trust fundamental to therapy.

"There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in."
⏤ Leonard Cohen